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Jenda career card day in the life

Jenda Brands on being a Mission Critical Security Engineer and a detection & response expert

A day in the life
Careers edit 0022 How we hire group 3

How we hire

We always strive for 100% and then some. It’s no surprise that we take the search for new talent just as seriously. Learn about the steps of our hiring process.

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Vladimir careers

Vladimir Stefanović on being a Mission Critical Engineer and a Microsoft Azure MVP

A day in the life
terminal - bash

Datacenter detail 3x4

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Read more about our culture & DNA

It’s more than a distinct way of working that sets our organization apart. It’s the values and visions we share with our colleagues and customers.

People & culture
Technical object 3x4

VCF in

A look under the hood of VMware Cloud Foundation in our revamped private cloud.

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Tech market 3 x4

Tech Market debuts

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Tech Market debuts

Our first-ever Tech Market gave each of our customer teams the chance to showcase their work from the past couple years. The event drew in over 200 participants, with networking opportunities for engineers and a barbecue for everyone to enjoy.

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Martijn careers

Martijn Gijsberti Hodenpijl on being a Mission Critical Engineer and a coding creative

A day in the life
Careers edit 0015 Working support 2

Setting you up for succes

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Setting you up for succes

Unlike most companies, our onboarding takes approximately six months. That’s because we're expecting you to start a new job in a self-steering team with no managers, meet new customers, deep dive into new projects, and new ways of working – all at the same time. During this half-year, we’ll do everything we can to set you up for success.

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Jan careers

Jan van Deijk on being a Mission Critical Engineer and a karate practitioner

A day in the life
Jan Jacob Bos careers

Jan Jacob Bos on being a Mission Critical Engineer and an ingredient-critical hobby chef

A day in the life
Costas careers

Costas Tyfoxylos on being a Mission Critical Engineer and an aikido practitioner

A day in the life
Robot dog

Ready for that new job? Discover what we can offer you.

We are convinced that enabling talented professionals to discover where their true strengths lie makes them happier in life and on the job. Working with us, you master your own destiny.

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